The Holy Name Society meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from September through June in the school cafeteria.
All parishioners are invited to bake for the Fall Bake Sale sponsored by the St. Therese Society. It will be on November 23-24 after all Masses. The choice is yours-cakes, pies, cookies and/or breads are all welcome. All proceeds will benefit our parish. Thank you.
Altar Server
Children's Liturgy of the Word Leaders
Youth Group Leader ( Northside Parishes)
Adult Funeral Servers
Eucharistic Minister
Liturgy Committee
Usher/Minister of Hospitality
Adult Choir
Funeral Choir
Bereavement Luncheon Committee
Bereavement Support Group
Human Development
Italian Prayer Group
OLP Seniors
Young at Heart Seniors
Holy Name Society
Italian Society
Legion of Mary
Society of St. Therese
Women's Society
Adult Education Committee (Christian Initiation of Adults)
Religious Education Teacher
Seeking to become Catholic
John 15:12